AgapeMed is a ministry of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Minnesota
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
To reach those who are struggling to get basic medical care due to lack of access to health care and poverty by using volunteers from Minnesota and around the world.
To share the Good news of the gosple of Jesus Christ.
To expand on the free blood pressure clinic and other services in Minnesota.
Travel to different rural areas of Ethiopia annually to provide medical care to low-income communities.
To establish well-equipped clinic around the twin city, that adds services areas like: Foot Care, Counseling, Referral, Advocating, Home Visits, Wound Care, and planting more blood pressure clinics in public housing buildings.
To help the less fortunate people in Ethiopia by providing medical help consistently and building clinics and hospitals in the rural areas.